Friday, March 26, 2010

In which I almost get killed, and I appreciated it. . .

Last night we had an awesome night, a date night. For Valentine's day (even though we agreed not to get each other gifts) my wonderful hubby bought tickets for us to go see Ben Folds and the NC Symphony. We went to eat at Dos Taquitos, it was awesome (I had steak tacos with black beans and rice and I ate until I was super fat). Then we walked across downtown to get to the Progress Energy Center and that's when it happened. The crosswalk turned green for me to walk and I stepped onto the street and almost got run over by a green SUV turning right on a red. I turned to glare and yell at the driver when, who do I make eye contact with? The man himself, Ben Folds, I almost got run over by Ben Folds. He smiled and waved at me and I proceeded to slap my husband in the arm, jump up and down and squeal like a girl, "Ben Folds, that's Ben Folds! He almost killed me!" OK, I'm such a girl, I know, but I was excited. I love Ben Folds.

Anyway. . .the concert was A-Mazing!! He played my favorite song, Smoke. The gorgeous arrangement brought tears to my eyes. Seriously, he is a gifted lyricist. There is nothing quite like hearing Landed or Stevens Last Night in Town with a full musical ensemble behind Ben and his magical piano. It reminded me of how much I love music and watching it live. I'm adding concerts to my list of things to do, instead of worrying about the things I can't do. I've been doing way too much of that lately and this was kind of a wake up call about that. I'm gonna get my lazy, sad tail off the couch and start living life. Alright all for now, time to take my tail back to work :)


  1. I love, love, LOVE going to concerts! It is one of my favorite things to do. I'm glad you had fun ... and HELLO! Almost getting run over by Ben Folds! I LOVE IT!

  2. found my way here via swishy's blog and thought I would say hello! love finding/reading new blogs
